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Just to show that while we may be old fuddy-duddies, we've still got our finger on the pulse of modern technology. Here are some audio samples in downloadable MP3 format. NB: This section will probably be added to over time, so keep checking.

Some tracks from the Not So Deep As A Well CD:


A track from the Archaeology live CD:

Brains Under Glass (live at the Acklam Hall)

The Awful Truth was my brief flirtation with dance music. I had completed a whole CD's worth of tracks but my computer's hard disk crashed and I lost all but these three:

Three tracks from the Various Artists CD No Platform For Heels (now available from the Waterden Online Catalogue)

Some samples from the Product Of Reason CD A Cure For Insomniacs (now available from the Waterden Online Catalogue)

Three tracks from the Various Artists CD We Couldn't Agree On A Title (now available from the Waterden Online Catalogue)

A couple of samples from the CD Love Not Devotion (now available from the Waterden Online Catalogue)